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Utilities to work with revert messages with support for backtraces and consistent formatting.


  • Backtrace of an revert. Built depth-first. Implement Display to render the backtrace as a string.
  • An revert returned by various functions in precompile-utils. Allows to dynamically construct the backtrace (backtrace) of the revert and manage it in a typed way. Can be transformed into a PrecompileFailure::Revert and String, and implement Display and Debug.



  • Generic error to build abi-encoded revert output. See: https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/control-structures.html?highlight=revert#revert



  • Generate an encoded revert from a simple String. Returns a PrecompileFailure that fits in an EvmResult::Err.
  • Generate an encoded revert from a simple String. Returns a Vec<u8> in case PrecompileFailure is too high level.

Type Aliases§

  • Represent the result of a computation that can revert.